Monday, 16 September 2013

Gary Hope's responses

1.What is your vision for Gisborne in terms of cultural diversity? A multi- cultural community where everyone is respected equally. 2. The Ten Year Plan says GDC will support the development of cultural groups in the district, what kind of support do you think GDC should provide to the Tairāwhiti Multicultural Council? Maybe a Welcome to Gisborne Orientation pack or programme where new immigrants can feel welcomed and informed of vital services offered to our citizens. Recognition and links to other organizations that could help them adjust to our new environment. 3. What regular interaction do you have with groups of people from cultural backgrounds different to your own? We often employ different ethnicities in our farming and forest businesses, and have been impressed with their positive work attitude and ethics. On a personal level we regularly host visitors from other cultures, and enjoy overseas travel and discovering cultures different to ours. 4. What, if any, common challenges are you aware of for local residents from ethnic minority groups? Finding good affordable housing and meaningful employment can be difficult. The isolation and access to traditional foods is also a challenge. Along with a lack of understanding of their various cultures and background. 5. What are the biggest opportunities you see for attracting new immigrants and refugees to Gisborne? A broader employment base and cultural enrichment of our society.

1 comment:

  1. 5 / 10 Very Good Ideas about the Information Pack and Establishing Links with Cultural groups that exist in Our Community... ( Is this Not AlreadyBeing Done? ) ... Your other Responses are a Little Too Brief for One Trying To Convince Voters that You Have the Makings of a Community Leader
